Princess Ella
she/her or they them | 32 | Bi | Autistic
<-- That's her.
- Cats!
- Old web!
- Cozy games (esp. The Sims)!
- VR!
- Witchcraft!
- Tamagotchi!
- Anime (esp. Sailor Moon)!
- Lolita fashion!
- Gardening!
- Color: Pink
- Food: Borger
- Stone: Opal
- Show: Sailor Moon
- Game: The Sims
- Book: Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr
- Manga: The Girl from the Other Side by Nagabe
- Neocities: Cybherspace Profile
- Email Me: cybherspace@protonmail.com
- Discord: HeckItsElla
- Tumblr: vvitchella
Q: Why do you call yourself a princess?
A: The real question is why don't YOU call yourself a princess?
Q: Is all this pink really necessary? Aren't you a little old for this stuff?
A: How old were you when you stopped wanting to have fun?
Q: Hey, don't I know you from...
A: Wrong princess, sorry.
Q: What are you trying to accomplish with this site?
A: Good question. I think what I am doing here is trying to have a little fun and be creative in a way that isn't limited by what someone else thinks is cool, interesting, or important, but is still something that can be seen and experienced by other people.
Q: Did you make all the art on this site?
A: Not at all. I have made some of it - the profile pic of me, for example, or the banner across the top. Most of it I found on the GifCities.org archive, which is an archive of old gifs from the GeoCities days and are for the most part abandoned. A couple gifs here and there I found on miscellaneous tumblr sites that in turn curated them from abandoned web pages from the 90's and early 00's. Other images are from random opensource sites across the internet. If you come across something that DOESN'T fit one of those categories, please let me know and I'll remove it!
Q: Can we be friends?
A: Maybe! Feel free to add me on one of my socials or send a message via the "Contact Me" form and tell me about yourself! Don't be shy, I only bite my husband.